Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Bra Boys Analysis
The personality of the Bra Boys can be seen through their qualities and perspectives. They are introduced through the Cody, the estimation of sibling boat and Attitude of sibling transport through their tattoos and being there for one another. To a limited extent 1 of Bra young men, the Boys had taken Jesse Pollock and other more youthful individuals on excursions to surf. This had been carried on from what the other Bra Boys accomplished for Cody and his companions. This shows their estimations of their general public and network, as they are happy to give the more youthful ages to toughen up and be free with the surf. This shows htat separated from their insidious side, they additionally have the estimation of family and kinship with the more youthful age. The Bra Boy’s esteem towards the sea shore is demonstrated to be their lifeline. The sea shore and surf is everything to them. Radiant Abberton, a Bra kid said â€Å"The surf, had spared such a significant number of children around here, that have driven them to a way of life of the sea rather than a way of life in wrongdoing. †Showing that the sea shore has spared them on records and they have an idealistic estimation of the sea shore. Estimations of the Bra young men is sibling transport, as they had each other’s back. At the point when 2 individuals had a battle with experts in a gathering during Christmas, everybody got into the fight. This shows how the benefit of being together in the Bra young men is solid. One significant qualities the young men have a fabulous time with others. In the genuine of montages, the Bra Boys are demonstrated to bounce on one another, setting land one another and every them hop off the bluffs and in any event, hopping on a transport. This shows they exceptionally esteem fun in their lives as they need all the good times. This scene plays with the happy tune, this impacts the estimation of fun in the Bra Boys life and their benefit of having a place as they do what they need and what they accept is correct. That is the idenity introduced as a Bra Boy. To have a great time their own particular manner. Endurance and a feeling of having a place. The Bra young men estimations of endurance is appeared as they made due from different groups, discouragement, battles and medications. They had indicated that they need to get by for the sea shore, as it is their inheritance. For the Bra Boys, they demonstrated a feeling of having a place by helping each other through extreme occasions and helping the more youthful ages. The Bra Boy’s character of mentalities is indicated that they have each other backs and that they don't wish to do hurt. Their perspectives towards the police is scorn as they were in a battle with the specialists. Be that as it may, the specialists lost however the media had depicted them to be the people in question. The police thinks the Bra young men as lawbreakers and consistently speculates them, in this manner they have a negative disposition towards the police. The demeanor towards individuals like the bra young men previously, cool, hurt promotion alone. The Bra Boy’s have the disposition of being there for those to toughen them up and be the Bra young men similarly as the more established Bra Boys did likewise to them. The mentality towards Ma shows their affection and represents what Ma is to them. Their affection and consideration in correlation the language utilized in different pieces of the film shows how they esteem and their demeanor towards their guardian and the beginning of the Bra Boys. Their tone and voise is distinctive in contrast with different tones that is utilized. Not just that, there is something that is just introduced in this scene that the Bra Boys does. This sort of non-verbal communication shows their affectiong and their mentalities towards Ma as she is the most notable individual to the Bra Boys. They Hugged her.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Preparation For Providing Effective And Efficient Mentorship Nursing Essay
Groundwork For Providing Effective And Efficient Mentorship Nursing Essay In anticipation of this task look have been directed utilizing the accompanying databases: Cinahl, Pubmed and Medline search terms Learning speculations, Learning styles, Mentorship and Practice Education Facilitator were utilized independently or in mix. Manual looking of significant nursing diaries and distributions have been performed. Articles distributed in English over the most recent 10 years were audited. This task will look at the issues and procedures that should be considered while encouraging and supporting an understudy to meet their learning results in a training position, there will be conversation seeing the appraisal methodologies accessible as a tutor, which add to the general evaluation of understudies. Moreover learning styles and hypotheses will be examined, alongside the clinical setting as a domain to encourage the adapting needs required to make progress in finishing the training position learning results. A short outline of the clinical setting will be given to catch the feel of the learning condition. The setting for this area is an Elective Orthopedic Unit inside the Northwest and in fitting in with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC (2008); any names utilized will be nom de plumes ensure ID, secrecy and poise will be kept up consistently. NMC (2008) states that a coach is an enrolled nurture who has finished the affirmed mentorship program and meets the measures set out in NMC (2008) principles for tutors, practice educators and instructors. While Gopee (2008) contends the term tutor is much of the time used to mean confided in companion, guide and consultant. There is additionally recognized the eight required guidelines that must be accomplished to turn into a tutor, the creator will allude these measures to help learning and improvement practically speaking. To guarantee the understudy who will be named as Lucy with the end goal of this task has a positive learning experience it is vital that learning condition is strong for Lucy and for the individuals who work close by her. A direction pack and inviting letter are furnished with valuable data and a prologue to the allotted tutor is given at whatever point conceivable on participation the main move. Kenworthy and Nicklin (2000) bolster the view that the more agreeable and welcome an understudy feels inside the workplace, the almost certain it is that viable learning will happen which is a key factor in effective learning. Pearcy and Elliot (2004) found that understudies who have had negative encounters with their coach and positions, will in general leave the course before qualifying in any case Beskine (2009) advocates that beginning with a positive methodology advances the understudies understanding just as the nature of the situation. Sticking to the compulsory guidelines set by the NMC (2008) Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice; and so as to build up the phase of Lucys preparing and her adapting needs and style a commonly concurred time and area is distinguished for the underlying gathering to occur. This gathering gives the chance to co-ordinate off the clock and to distinguish another colleague who will be accessible to help Lucys adapting needs without her guide. Once Lucys learning style had been set up, at that point arranging the most ideal route forward to encourage the learning encounters pertinent to the position can happen This gives the chances to Lucy to meet the entirety of the learning results and needs. Heading towards self-administration of learning ought to be urged to help advance proficient turn of events, and to ingrain the significance of duty and responsibility. At the midpoint Lucy and her coach will have a developmental appraisal, assessment of her advancement this will decide any activity plans or alterations important to empower Lucy to meet her learning results. NMC principles for guides (2008) express that a tutor must add to assessment of understudy learning and appraisal encounters, recommending viewpoints for change coming about because of such assessment. A summative evaluation would normally occur while finishing understudy records while concentrating in general of the position. In an examination by Hart and Rotem (1994) it is demonstrated that the characteristics of a tutor are an imperative factor in giving and accomplishing a positive and significant learning condition; additionally the investigation found that unpleasant occasions for nursing understudies during clinical practice have indicated the underlying clinical experience was the most tension creating some portion of clinical experience Cahill (1996) recognizes that the absolute most urgent factor in making a positive learning condition is the connection among staff and the understudy nurture; it is likewise examined that a typical issue that emerges for an understudy is that they are consistently unfit to work with their coach. Numerous medical caretakers and nursing understudies in the past ended up to be self-governing specialists, learning their abilities inside the circumstances they wound up in without satisfactory direction or backing (Bray Nettleton, 2008). While Higgins et al (2009) propose the accomplishment of any nursing understudy in any program in any clinical setting is unpredictable, improving the convoluted idea of training and the view of abilities whether understudy or guide. This is a significant idea to be delicate to, as the way toward pushing ahead with the information and aptitudes should be bolstered and supported so as to encourage the standard of care that is protected, responsible, and capable. Nectar and Mumford (1992) Identified If tutors are to show understudies viably they should know about various learning styles and the significance of them; moreover Honey and Mumford investigate four unique styles of learning and is a minor departure from Kolbs learning cycle, which was initially adjusted from Kolb and Fry (1975). It is thought at whatever point conceivable, it is fundamental to permit the understudies singular style of learning decide the decision of instructing. Inside Kolbs model there are four unique styles of learning they depict, dissident, scholar, logical thinker, and reflector. They likewise suggest that albeit numerous individuals can be a blend of the four styles, they essentially have an inclination for just one. Anyway Clark (2007) recommends that naming, for example, dissident versus reflector has no logical legitimization. Downie and Basford (2003) accept, that to distinguish the learning results toward the start of the situation is of extraordinary advantage to the understudy, knowing the phase of preparing that the understudy is as of now at assists with supporting an understudy viably inside the clinical setting; in addition they propose that most understudies incline toward the customary learning strategy portrayed as instructional method which is the place the coach or educator has full obligation regarding what the understudy realizes. Andragogy is depicted by Knowles (1990) as grown-up realizing where the understudy is propelled and applies educational encounters to learning, along these lines this recommends the utilization of andragogy traini ng technique would be valuable to Lucy as she is persuaded in learning outside if the learning results. While building up Lucys learning style, formal training meetings were acquainted with exhibit how hypothesis is applied by and by. A scientific classification every now and again utilized in nursing is the structure by Benner (1984) in which there are five levels; fledgling, novice, equipped, capable and master. As per Benners phases of clinical fitness, which shows the excursion of an amateur to a specialist then Lucy gives off an impression of being a propelled apprentice as indications of comprehension NMC The code: guidelines of lead, execution and morals for medical caretakers and maternity specialists have been distinguished alongside past involvement with other clinical zones. As required By NMC (2008) Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice alongside cultivating proficient development, the tutor urges Lucy to consider her training and enabled Lucy to be independent inside the impediments of the managed job, while being reasonable and precise in the evaluation of the understudy. Legitimacy is the most significant part of any appraisal; it demonstrates the degree to which the evaluation measures and what it is relied upon to gauge. A substantial evaluation is one that surveys learning result; it is decided to evaluate and not to target different results that might not have been adapted enough by then. Unwavering quality is likewise a key factor to be considered in evaluations, the term dependability is utilized to show the consistency of which an appraisal measures and what it is intended to quantify. Anyway Goding (1997) recommends that unwavering quality and legitimacy are improper pointers of nursing practice and that they diminish practice to a rundown of goals, which holds next to no connection to the multifaceted design of training. The NMC (2006) advocate that evaluation is supposed to be solid, on the off chance that it gives comparable outcomes when utilized on various events, and with various assessors. It is proposed by Hand (2006) that constant appraisal permits the understudy to accomplish their objective through dynamic objective setting. Though Clifford (1994) clarifies persistent evaluation of training, infers the understudies execution is observed regularly during clinical practice, which would be done on an everyday premise. Standard gatherings among Lucy and her coach permit conversations with common regard to assess the advancement she is or may not be making, empowering activity intends to be actualized if essential. As indicated by NMC (2008) the tutor ought to furnish the understudy with useful criticism and help them in distinguishing future adapting needs and activities. Utilizing proof based practice, perception and correspondence outfits the guide with a portion of the fundamental devices to distinguish the qualities and shortcomings and give input; staying target when evaluate
Monday, August 17, 2020
Margaret Atwoods Tasting Menu
Margaret Atwoods Tasting Menu In November, the Wall Street Journal published “Rethinking the Familiar Book Tour,†a piece that argued bookstore readings were (or should be) a thing of the past. For many, this was not a new argument. For others, especially in less urban areas, this concept was a bold one. It has made me wonder about how bookstores, authors, and readers can work together to build better, more engaging book events. There were no sock puppets or guitars. There were jokes, though, and even a song. Margaret Atwood may have been following a more traditional format than the Green brothers, but she still put on quite a show for the 1100 people in the audience. Atwood visited Houston as a part of Inprints Margaret Root Brown Reading Series. She had visited before, and the response to that visit was what made them shift the series from a small museum auditorium to the larger spaces available in the citys theater district. The turnout for this event proved that they made the right choice. Ms. Atwood began with what she referred to as a tasting menu of a reading, a few short excerpts from three of her more recent works. She started with the short story Stone Mattress, which appeared in The New Yorker last month. The story contains the subtle wit that readers have come to expect from Atwood, but when she reads it, the humor is no longer subtle. The story is funny. She is funny, and she knows it. She even laughs at her own jokes as she reads. With some people this might be annoying but with Atwood it is, somehow, endearing. The next item on the tasting menu was an excerpt from In Other Worlds, a collection of her essays and lectures on her relationship with speculative fiction. This particular essay dealt with her reading of the novel She by H. Rider Haggard. I learned very little about the novel, but I learned a lot about her development as a reader: I did not make a distinction between great literature or any other. I just liked reading. There were more jokes and more laughter. And then she told us that she was going to sing. The final taste came in the form of a chapter from The Year of the Flood. This particular chapter focused on one of the many religious festivals celebrated by Gods Gardners. She read the homily offered by Adam One on Mole Day and then sang the childrens hymn that followed. It was not as grand, Im sure, as the choral performances that were included as part of the book tour for the novels 2009 release, but it was pretty impressive, nonetheless. The one element that was present in all of these readings, and that wove its way through the question-and-answer period that followed, was humor. She made us laugh. She made herself laugh. Atwood explained that she makes these jokes, that she uses humor in her writing in the way that she does, because the subjects that she tackles are hard. They would become intolerable otherwise. When the interviewer, author Robert Boswell, commented on the fact that she was laughing at her own reading, she was quick to point out that she also cries at all the sad scenes: Its not all laughs, you know. And then she made another joke. Atwood played to her audience, talking about her love of science and making geology jokes fitting for a city that has its economy based in the oil and gas industries. She discussed her accidental role as an activist and the part that Twitter has played in that. She also talked about her audience. In the beginning, she wrote for the great reader in the sky with impeccable taste. Though her understanding of how publishing and the rest of the world works has changed since those early days (she said she could write a phone book now and it would get published), she is still writing for that all-knowing reader. There are just a few carefully chosen readers whose opinions she trusts, too. It may not have had the production value that John Greens tour stop did, but the audience was more than pleased. Even the teenagers. What are some of the more notable author events that you have attended? What made them stand out? ____________________________ Cassandra Neace teaches college students how to write essays and blogs about books and book-related goodness at Indie Reader Houston. Follow her on Twitter: @CassandraNeace.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay About My Mother - 1292 Words
Nelson Mandela once said, â€Å"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.’’ My mother was that â€Å"brave man†who didn’t let fears get in her way. She taught me to become a strong women and have courage in your life. She was the one who educated me to lead a successful journey. Now, here I am telling the story of how my mother influenced me to become the young women I am today. My mother had very little education when she came to America at the age of 34 with her three children and a husband. She didn’t know much about the country when she arrived. My mother, who didn’t know how to speak or write in English had to†¦show more content†¦I felt my heart getting tighten, my stomach starting to compress, my whole body was just full of sweat thinking to myself, â€Å"omg, how will I get home, what will happen if Iâ₠¬â„¢m lost and never find my way back, this is so annoying. what do I do?’’ My head was just spinning everywhere. Thinking of so many ways of how I can do this or get out of this absurd mess. I was 16 and already afraid. Meanwhile, as I was getting ready to go the city ON MY OWN, I was planning in my mind on what train to take to get there and come back home. After getting all dressed up and still having that anxious feeling in me, I walked downstairs, stopped, took a deep breath and told myself that I can do this. As I put my converse shoes on and walked towards the car, my sister tells me â€Å"just relax, you can do this.†While she is driving me to the ferry, I looked through the window and I saw hundreds of people walking and talking on their phone. Then all of a sudden, my pupils started to dilate after seeing this young lady with a blue striped dress who looks like around my age all by herself wandering around Staten Island. In my mind all of a sudde n, Im thinking this could be her first time exploring the island herself and she doesn’t seem afraid. So then I started to ask myself, â€Å"if she can do it, then why should I be afraid to go to the city on my own.†Finally, as I reached the ferry, my sister stops the car at the side of the curb and reminds me whatShow MoreRelatedEssay About My Mother735 Words  | 3 PagesThis essay is about how my family has raised me since the day that I was born. Also, I will talk about my illness and the community around me how they have helped me throughout life. â€Å"My family†one of the best words that I love, because my family has raised me since I was born. Coming out to the world and starting to develop my body system as the years move on has been great. Especially, my mother she has been there for me and one of the things that makes me feel great is that she never goes byRead MoreEssay About My Mother1293 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"I yam what I yam, and that’s all that I yam.†I sang this tune in my head and out loud over and over again. I even added lyrics to suit me., â€Å"I’ll be want I want to be, I am what I yam.†It may be my first attempt at being true to myself, a self-identification, a personal statement and a compass of sorts I remember telling my mother how I came up with my personal mantra. I was expecting a pat on back and recognition for my creativity and acceptance of self. She looked me in the eye and simplyRead MoreEssay About My Mother894 Words  | 4 PagesAny women can be a mother but it takes someone special to be a mother. Having someone in your life who means so much to you is a blessing. My Mom, Fatima was born on June 4, 1973. Moving to her appearance, I could say that the way she acts says a lot about her personality. She is the kind of person that is interesting to listen. Every time I listen to her, I learn something new. The moment she had me in her life was also a blessing for her. Im her third daughter. She is someone who cheers me upRead MoreAn Essay About My Mother799 Words  | 4 PagesAny women can be a mother but it takes someone special to be a mother . Having someone in your life who means so much to you is a blessing. My Mom , Amal Gobeh was born on June 4, 1973. Moving to her appearance, I could say that the way she acts says a lot about her personality. She is the kind of person that is interesting to listen. Every time I listen to her, I learn something new. The moment she had me in his life was also a blessing for her. Im her second daughter. She is someone whoRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother1200 Words  | 5 PagesShe’s a small woman, her hair is short and the strands are few but thick. As I put my hands through her soft shiny hair I can almost feel her intense, painful past that she carries on her shoulders melt away. She smells like home and food, bringing back delightful memories of when I would stand on a chair next to her at the stove, as she taught me the secret of how to make our families enchilada sauce. Her skin is soft, from the countless nights she has spent making tamales just to make ends meetRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother851 Words  | 4 Pagesescapes her crimson lips. Hair once long and black, now silver, yet divine. Her arms that were always open, ready to encase me are now crossed over her chest. She was my mother. A woman like no other. For you all our fate together was meant to be. While i sit here with her now, iI gaze out the snowy no y covered window and iI reflect. My existence formed in a vast, dark, and lonely place. There are others, many others, although we are all alone. Drifting, floating, passing through time and spaceRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother743 Words  | 3 PagesLeaving My mother is dying, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. My father simply sits downstairs in his leather easy chair, drinking and watching re-runs of old cop shows, pretending it’s not happening and that, at any moment, she’ll wake up and pick up the old threads of her life. My mother sleeps almost all the time now, and I sit with her as much as I can when I am not looking after the household chores or my father. I hold her dry, frail hand in mine and remember days when her handsRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother842 Words  | 4 PagesThis is a book all about me, Candaliah Emers. I was named after my aunt’s child that she had to give up for adoption because she was too young to take care of her. My mother graduated high school at the age of 16. She was supposed to be a junior when she started college. When my mom was born, it was said that she was a model baby. She has the most breathtakingly beautiful brown eyes that you have ever seen. When she’s in the sunlight, they look almost a caramely orange-yellow color. Her eyelashesRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother1380 Words  | 6 PagesThe dress fits me almost perfectly like she is almost a professional. My mother taught me, she made my clothes every since I was a girl be fore she passed away. She was an amazing dresser, she was always obsessed with fabric. I am sorry to hear that your mother passed away. Do not worry about it is a thing in the past. Lets head out. I could tell she forced a smile on her face. Thinking and talking about her deceased mother must have been very painful for her. She was quiet the whole car rideRead MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother836 Words  | 4 PagesMy mother Christy Rehn has many great qualities that make up who she is today. First, to give a physical description; she is a female and is 44 years old about 5’5 . She has short dark brown hair that goes down to her shoulders. Her eyes are as brown as a bear and are very fast moving. One great quality is that my mom is very funny. She enjoys a good laugh when shes feeling happy or not feeling well at all. She enjoys spending time with her family. Especially, going to the movies as well as sitting
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Curse in Society Gangs - 532 Words
‘’Teen shot dead in gang wars’’, ‘’ two bystanders killed in gang shootout ‘’, these are familiar headlines at the front page of the local newspapers, aren’t they? Every day thousands of people are affected by gangs across the world. Women are left widowed, children are orphaned and parents are left childless. Let me put what most people are thinking ‘’ gangs are a threat to all of us no matter what sex, age or background we are from. They ruin the safety of a society as a whole, is a never-ending cycle which needs to be stopped and finally being a gang member most probably wrecks an individual’s life. Active gangs in a particular area will be a cause of danger and fear among people who live there. Gang members threaten the lives of innocent people in their community, these people have to live in fear of getting robbed or even worse, getting murdered and lately these gangs are becoming even more popular. Cory Little Light in his article gang life 101 states that ‘’ I mean drugs and violence have plagued our reserves and communities for years, but never has it ever been as bad as it is right now’’. They also disrupt the peace in certain communities because of all the petty crimes they do. In the American musical west side story the officers of the town have to follow every move the jets and the sharks make to make sure they are not making trouble. Gangs also are a danger because they often end up hurting innocent bystanders; like in the case of Asia saddleback the twentyShow MoreRelatedThe Correlation between Crime and Poverty Essay1122 Words  | 5 PagesA violent crime occurs every 23.5 seconds in the United States of America. Even though crime has been at a low during the past decade, violence is still prevalent in today’s society. Most of these crimes happen in places that are socio-economically disadvantaged. There then is the debate of wheth er violent crime is associated with environments struck with poverty. There is a correlation between violent crimes and poverty because of the unemployment rates in major cities, the culture of poor areasRead MoreNigeria And Angol African Countries Plagued By The Resource Curse1686 Words  | 7 PagesNigeria and Angola are both West African countries plagued by the resource curse. The countries are teeming with oil, ranking Nigeria as Africa’s largest oil producer and Angola as the second largest oil producer. In 2014 it was reported that Nigeria was responsible for producing 2.4 million barrels of oil per day and Angola produced 1.8 million barrels of oil per day. While these numbers have fluctuated greatly in the past, both countries still remain at the top as Africa’s oil producers. The productionRead MoreRacism And Discrimination903 Words  | 4 Pageseven allude to you or people around you as racism and discrimination can happen to anyone. With these cruel t reatments, there are questions of if discrimination and racism will always be a part of the human condition or can they be eradicated from society. I believe, realistically, racism and discrimination will always be part of the human condition forever. However, the discriminated will obviously try to regain their rights and humanity against the oppressors with the examples of African AmericansRead More Innocence of Children in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter Essay1062 Words  | 5 Pagesher a blessing and a curse to her mother, who has paid such a dear price for her child. After testing both smiles and frowns, and proving that neither mode of treatment possessed any calculable influence, Hester was ultimately compelled to stand aside, and permit that the child be swayed to her own impulses (Hawthorne 82). Pearl could not be controlled by anyone, nor did she easily establish relationships with others. The other children in town would often tease her and gang up on her, beratingRead MoreThe Social Of Social Media1071 Words  | 5 Pagesnetworks). The social media largely distributes over education, industry, government, organizations, dating, law-enforcements, health, utility and various other sectors. The reports also suggest that social media and networking has led to increase in the gang crimes. The research shows that last year 500 people were killed in Chicago and even more in the cities with more population like New York and Los Angeles (Austen, Ben). Everyday Facebook, instagram and other websites are full of this news which hasRead MoreWhat Motivated People Commit The Violence Seen During The Son Of The Revolution?1693 Words  | 7 Pagesto commit the violence seen in the Son of the Revolution? Do you think such violence could happen in any society under the right conditions? Perhaps it is in human nature to turn to violence in turbulent times. We often overlook the violence that goes hand in hand with great historical change. And, as the victors write history, often the violence that acts as the cornerstone of societies are toned down and forgotten. During the Cultural Revolution in China, violence forced its way into the everydayRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1148 Words  | 5 Pageswas better than their old life in Hong Kong, but not marginally so. This curse-like factor did not only exist in my mother’s family, but for many immigrants traveling for the first time as well. Though my grandparents worked predominantly in a time where industrialization had settled itself into history, they were unfortunate in that the conditions of the time did not improve to the standards that we have today in our society. For many business and factory owners, revenue was still much more importantRead MoreModern Technology965 Words  | 4 Pagesmuch of anything is no good.†He also taught us that writing was one of the â€Å"lost arts†of our people. Too much texting forces the brain to compute information in an abbreviated form. It affects the way we write, think and speak. Now we have what society calls â€Å"sexting†, where sexually charged text messages and photos are exchanged via text message. It seems that our youth are overlooking the rose of technology and are becoming too anxious to toy with its thorns. The Gift There are billions of cellularRead MoreNest in the Wind Essay examples1564 Words  | 7 Pagesmedicine, death, resources and daily activities . Ward approach to getting this information as accurate as possible was to live among the Pohnpeians as . She got involved in their culture and community. She even , though unwanted gained rank in their society. Her and Her Husband lived in a tin hut, learned customs and manners. They were forced to do the daily chores , find food learn the language and be an active part of the community When the first arrived they had little idea what to expect. They wentRead MoreLife in the Henry Horner Homes902 Words  | 4 PagesLife in the Henry Horner Homes can be everything but present. Life in the city of Chicago can seem more like a curse than a gift. The residents of this public housing only experience brief instance of true joy before the reality that is their lives come crushing back down on them. There Are No Children Here shows first hand experience of the hardship of Americans and the wreckage, that is urban life. Throughout the story we focus on two major characters; 10 year old LaFayette, and 7 year old Pharoah
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Chaos and Order in Paradise Lost Free Essays
In the manuscript, On Christian Doctrine, John Milton says of Chaos, â€Å"It was necessary that something should have existed previously, so that it could be acted upon by his supremely powerful active efficacy†¦Matter must have always existed independently of God, or else originated from God at some point in time†¦ But if matter did not exist from eternity, it is not easy to see where it came from†(John Milton, On Christian Doctrine). This manuscript has since been described by C. A. We will write a custom essay sample on Chaos and Order in Paradise Lost or any similar topic only for you Order Now Patrides as a â€Å"theological labyrinth†and as â€Å"an abortive venture into theology†.In many ways, The notion if Chaos itself is just as complex, and critical response to Milton’s portrayal of it has been widely varied in interpretation. Critics mainly argue over the depiction of Chaos as either good or evil, and many contemplate its supposed neutrality. The subject of order is somewhat more tenable, as the concept is housed in Milton’s own description of the Garden of Eden. Chaos, being neither Heaven, Earth, nor Hell, possesses a provocative ambiguity. It is separate from God, yet God created a perfect world out of it.Milton describes Chaos as ‘a dark Illimitable ocean without bound, Without dimension, where length, breadth, and height And time and place are lost’ (Paradise Lost 2. 891-4). Already, images of void emptiness are evoked. The true nature of the word ‘chaos’ is ruthlessly portrayed. The limitlessness suggests a severe lack of security and direction. Milton describes these concepts as ‘lost’, which suggests they have not only ceased to exist, but they have ceased to matter, they have not only died completely, but never existed in Chaos in the first place. ‘eldest Night And Chaos’ (Paradise lost 2. 94-5) are described as ‘Ancestors of Nature’ (Paradise Lost 2. 895). through his personification of complex ideas, Milton connotes Chaos as a state where nature, the very science and theory of being, everything relatable and understandable, is new and previously absent. Chaos, according to Milton, was around before nature itself even came into existence. A. B. Chambers states that ‘this disordered region clearly existed before the creation of Hell and Earth, but the time of its own generation is never stated’ (Chambers 55), and that within Milton’s description of Chaos, ‘more questions are posed than are easily answered (Chambers 55).Hell is described as a physical place, as is Eden, where the vocations of order are numerous. Hell contains the worst of Nature, (the raging â€Å"perpetual storms,†the rivers with their â€Å"waves of torrent fire†) and Eden the best (the ‘fresh fountain (Paradise Lost 4. 229) and ‘all trees of noblest kind for sight, smell, taste’ (Paradise Lost 4. 216)) which intrinsically links the two. Chaos is not defined in terms of nature. Chaos is an ‘ancestor of Nature’, implying Chaos existed before nature, and that it cannot be defined in the same way.Chaos is ruled over by ‘Rumour next and Chance, And Tumult and Confusion all embroiled’(Paradise Lost 2. 965). Heaven, Earth and Hell are defined as having boundaries, and leaders, God in Heaven and Satan in Hell. Whilst Heaven and Hell are opposites, one being good and the other evil, both are governed by nature. Hell is still in a state of order as opposed to chaos. Being ungoverned by nature, then, Chaos cannot easily be defined as either good or evil. There are arguments for both. Chaos could be considered good because God formulates a perfect world from its ‘womb’.It can also be considered Evil because it is separate from God. It is on the boundary of Hell, and Satan is allowed to pass through it on his way to Eden, which ultimately catalyses the fall of man. Finally, it could be considered neutral, used by both God and Satan, much like a Neutral Country in a state of War. Critical opinion is very much divided over these ideas. Chambers argues in his concluding paragraphs that â€Å"Chaos is as true an exemplar of hell as that state which everywhere prevails when the laws of providence are set aside, when the ways of God to man are opposed and overturned†(Chambers 84).He strongly advocates the stance that Chaos and Night are ‘enemies of God’ (65) and ‘the material chaos of Paradise Lost is unmistakably opposed to God’ (55). This is verified somewhat in the text, as Chaos bids Satan ‘go and speed; Havoc and spoil and ruin are my gain’ (2. 1008-9). Contrastingly, John Rumrich argues the notion of a ‘positive chaos’, and considers critics like Chambers who argue otherwise to â€Å"unjustifiably assume Milton’s endorsement of traditional Western philosophy and religious attitudes towards matter’ (Rumrich 1036).Crucially, he believes that Chaos is effectively ‘disorder within the framework of an evolving order’ (Rumrich 1038 ), Suggesting it is a necessary component of the make-up of Order. These ideas are difficult to grasp, but one could describe chaos as the entity which order needs to define itself against. Without the disorder of chaos, there would be no basis for defining order, and in that sense, it has some power of good; if it is indeed evil, then it is a necessary evil. Jackson I.Cope argues in terms of light and darkness, being associated with Heaven and Hell respectively. He argues to the effect that being a dark abyss and therefore associated with Hell, Chaos is as an extension of Hell, and not a separate entity. This somewhat confuses the previous idea that Heaven and Hell, being governed by nature, are separate from Chaos, and indirectly contradicted in the text, which calls Night and Chaos ‘Ancestors of Nature’. We know that Chaos is in opposition to Order and Nature, rather than in opposition to Good or Evil, to Heaven and Hell.Hell is subject to order and nature, which is what links it to Heaven and Earth. The distinction between Good and Evil is one that exists within Nature, and thus within order, embodied by Heaven and Hell respectively. Chaos is extrinsic to Nature and Order, and thus Extrinsic to the distinction between Good and Evil. God created Earth out of chaos, And Satan, In a sense created the fall of man, and introduced evil to Earth through Chaos. Thus good and evil both came out of Chaos, but are not contained within it. How to cite Chaos and Order in Paradise Lost, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
International Economics Equal Policies
Question: Describe about the Report for International Economics for Equal Policies. Answer: The reasons why tariffs are more preferred as compared to that of quota are as follows: Tariffs help in generating revenue for the government the following can help to explain the reason why the economists mainly prefer tariff over quantitative restriction also known as quota. For example, if the Government in the U.S levies a tariff of 20 percent on the imported cricket bats of Australia; in that case they will be able to collect an amount of $10 million dollars each year if $50 million worth of the Australian cricket bats are imported every year. As per the report, the U.S collects more than $20 billion dollars each year in tariff revenue. However, this earned amount will be gone astray to the government unless their quota method incriminates a licensing fee on the importers (International Economics A Heterodox Approach 2015). Administrative corruption can take place due to imported quotas the import quotas can cause administrative corruption. If for instance, there are no limitations on the cricket bats that are imported, out of which 30,000 bats are sold each year to the U.S. however, if the U.S decides that they require only 4,000 Australian cricket bats to be sold each year. In that case, they can impose an import quota at 4,000 in order to achieve the purpose. However, there will be a problem regarding making the decision they will make about the 4,000 bats that will get in and the 26,000 that will not. In that case, the government needs to tell some importer that they will be able to let their cricket bats in the country and the rest will not be able to. This will in turn give the customs bureaucrats the authority to give access to the importers who are favored and they will deny the access of those who are not favored. This will in turn lead to a severe corruption in the countries with import quota s. However, in the same situation the tariff system will not lead to any corruption. This is because the tariff will set the level, which causes the price of the cricket bats to rise dramatically so that the demand for the bats falls to 4,000 each year (Lavergne 2014). 2. Let wine be good X and cheese be good Y. When the price of wine will increase, the budget constraint will rotate clockwise around the good cheese. As a result, the consumers will face a new relative price (International Economics A Heterodox Approach 2015). After facing the new budget constraint, the new equilibrium will be at point E. As a result, the consumers will buy more of cheese that is from 80 to 120 units. However, they will consume less of good x that is wine. As a result, the consumption will decrease from 90 to 40 units. As a result, the consumers will purchase 40 units more of cheese and 50 units less of wine. Since the unit of cheese will increase, its export will increase however, the import will decrease. In the case of wine, it will be totally vice versa that is the import will increase as the unit of production will decrease, however the export of the good will decrease (Ding et al. 2013). 3. The export taxes are not used by the United States at all. As per the U.S Constitution, No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. The Southern States mainly exported the agricultural goods such as cotton and tobacco at that period when the United States were formed by the union of the thirteen colonies. Since the economies of the northern states were much oriented towards the domestic market, it did not export enormously. The southern states feared the fact that the government would tax the exports (DeBacker et al. 2015). If that would take place, it would have been an expedient source of income for the cash-strapped new government. As a result, the Constitutional Convention of the Southern States was allotted to include a ban on the export taxes with the intention of preventing a simple bulk in Congress from enforcing a tax. If the Congress were successful in enforcing the tax it would affect the exporters from the Southern States unreasonably. Since, the northern industries were seeking for protections from the British industrial imports, the restriction on imports were not banned (International Economics A Heterodox Approach 2015). References Blonigen, B.A., Liebman, B.H., Pierce, J.R. and Wilson, W.W., 2013. Are all trade protection policies created equal? empirical evidence for nonequivalent market power effects of tariffs and quotas.Journal of International Economics,89(2), pp.369-378. DeBacker, J., Heim, B.T. and Tran, A., 2015. Importing corruption culture from overseas: Evidence from corporate tax evasion in the United States.Journal of Financial Economics,117(1), pp.122-138. Ding, W., Qin, T., Zhang, X.D. and Liu, T.Y., 2013, June. Multi-Armed Bandit with Budget Constraint and Variable Costs. InAAAI. International Economics A Heterodox Approach. (2015). 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge, p.346 - 549 Lavergne, R.P., 2014.The political economy of US tariffs: An empirical analysis. Elsevier.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Case Project Information Security
Virus Attacks While computer viruses are not as formidable as they were in the past decade mostly as a result of strong antivirus software, they still pose significant threat to users. In the near past, there have been a number of viruses that have posed a significant threat to computer users all over the world. Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Case Project Information Security specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sites such as the McAfee threat center which is dedicated to giving descriptions for the virus threats that may attack users provide an elaborate list of computer threats. Some of these threats include; the W32 virus and the Generic.dx!rwj Trojan. The W32/Trebot virus is an especially troublesome virus that consists of a server editing component. With this component, the virus visits pre determined internet addresses for commands which are executed on a victim’s machine. The damage that this vir us does on an individual’s computer includes slowing down the machine by downloading and executing other files which use up the systems memory resources. An even bigger risk that the virus poses is that it uses the host machine to perpetrate denial of service attacks over the internet. While Windows ME and Xp are especially vulnerable to this virus, this virus also affects the Mac Os. The Generic.dx!rwj is a Trojan that purports to be executing some beneficial task but is in fact a malicious program. The Generic.dx!rwj Trojan in particular compromises a user’s system and then seeks out messaging applications that may be installed. From these applications, the Trojan extracts contact information and sends them out to the Trojan creators. The particular damage that this Trojan presents is that it compromises the privacy of a computer user by stealing personal information. This information may then be sold to spammers or marketers who will use it for sending spam mail t o the user. This Trojan primarily affects the Windows platform as it compromises the registry keys by including itself as an authorized program. Cell Phone Attacks Over the years, the usage of cell phones has expanded to cover more than just voice communication. With this expansion in functionality, the vulnerability of cell phones has also increased leading to a need for protection from attacks. The most basic protection service offered to mobile phones is the PIN code that makes access to a device hard without authentication. Advertising Looking for assessment on programming? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In Japan where mobile phones are utilized in financial transactions, sophisticated security features such as facial recognition are used to safeguard a user’s account. To address the issue of virus infection which mostly occurs as a result of downloads and file transfer, there exist mobile antivirus software which protects the phone from virus attacks by preventing infections. The Symbian OS for example provides antivirus software that users with phones running on this platform can download and use to protect against viruses and malware. The currently implemented protections are not adequate as mobile software is not as mature as PC software. There is also a lack of consciousness by users as to the risks they are exposed to. User awareness of the dangers that most modern phones are exposed to should be increased. In my opinion, both the cell phone providers and the user should be responsible for blocking attacks. The provider should ensure that the phone is fitted with antivirus software and utilities such as password protection to prevent attacks. The user on the other hand should be responsible for regularly updating the phone’s antivirus software as well as undertaking best practices such as selective synchronization of files to avoid transferring of infected files from a PC. Oper ating System Patches In the month of February, Microsoft issued patches that were meant to address security and non-security issues in the various Windows OS Platforms. This February patches were meant to address 26vulnerabilities that had been discovered in Windows. Some of the vulnerabilities that were addressed by the Patch included: risk of denial of service attacks, elevation of privileges by restricted account holders and remote code execution. The elevation of privileges threat could be carried out either locally or remotely by users with valid credentials. Some of the remote code execution issues could affect the PowerPoint application in the MS Office Suite.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Case Project Information Security specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The severity of the problems that the patch addressed varied. Some of the vulnerabilities that were marked as â€Å"critical†in severit y meaning that their presence presented a big risk to the operating system. These critical problems were the Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities. The Denial of service and Elevation of privileges vulnerabilities were marked as â€Å"important†in severity meaning that while they did not present as big a risk as the critical vulnerabilities, their presence was still undesirable. Once the patches were installed, there were no known problems that occurred either to the operating system or to the MS Office application for which the patch was applied. This assessment on Case Project Information Security was written and submitted by user Stephen Blake to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Habitat Destruction Essay
Habitat Destruction Essay Free Online Research Papers There are many species in the world. The majority of them lived in bodies of water and many are on land. But these living organisms have been threatened and others have been extinct because of habitat change due to shifting climate. Scientific methods have been applied by major scientists to prove that from the last two hundred years, the earth’s temperature began to increase steadily on a rate of 1 Fahrenheit per century. Society believes that this issue is not a true concern. But in reality, the heat that’s being trapped in the atmosphere causes climate changes to occur. These sudden changes make it harder for living organisms to survive. The result of burning of coal and fossil fuel, desertification, and deforestation are the reasons why the heating and changes of the earth is taking place. When will all of these man made activities end? Technology itself is not even close to solving this problem. Societies invent better ways to make energy more efficient. But in the most part, their work only takes them back to using the same natural resources (fossil fuel, coal, uranium), which are harmful to the environment. Today, the burning of fossil fuel, coal, and the mining of uranium are the only way we can make energy for the use of our society on a large scale. There are abundant demands for these natural resources and they are becoming more scarce. If society continues in this direction and the climate around the world begins to change, there will be the end of millions of species living in both land and bodies of water. â€Å"Habitat Destruction†is beginning to take place in some parts of the world. I believe that this example would be crucial to those who lived in this planet. Unfortunately, the prospects of big business groups are more concern about the less important issues in hand. The â€Å"Kyoto†proposal was denied by a majority vote. Why is this th e case? These so called â€Å"intellectuals†who runs our government doesn’t even show a slight interest on the extinction of these species. Its arguable I suppose. How are we able to know if the climate fluctuations are either normal or not? Is it fact that Cfcs are damaging the earth’s ozone layer? Are fossil fuel emissions harmful to earth? There are many questions regarding this issue and yet, there is no answer. It is difficult to analyze this problem especially when the environmental issues have no economic entity in the political system. Major governments are the only answer to this growing problem. They have the power to regulate and pass laws. They also have the required funds to come up with cutting edge technology to create more efficient energy. I always believed that one-day; someone in power would have enough integrity to look over this matter. If not, more species will become extinct. The solar caps will continue to melt causing the ocean level to rise and flooding the cities across the globe. Species that are not yet discovered will simply perish unless society begins to strive for another alternative on creating energy. Only time will tell. Research Papers on Habitat Destruction Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraGenetic EngineeringPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenQuebec and CanadaAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Relationship between Media Coverage and Social andResearch Process Part One
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Roles of Product Life Cycle Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Roles of Product Life Cycle - Case Study Example The main objective of product policy is to evaluate the risks and hazards that a product can cause during its life cycle by incorporating all the phases of product development, the possible players, trade policy and procurement, economic instruments, materials regulations, inter-trade agreements, environmental and labeling laws, and product design (Charter & Tischner, 2001). For this reason, product policy encompasses corporate policy and planning, development, portfolio management, life cycle assessment, brand management and marketing strategy. The other key concerns are reflecting good science, protecting confidential business information, avoiding technical barriers to trade and ensuring that a product has timely access to appropriate markets around the world (Gorchels, 2007). In effect, product policy refers to all aspects of development and management of a firm’s product, including branding and packaging. It also looks at key issues related to the 4Ps of marketing  œ product, price, place and promotion – to determine if the product will have good exchange value, at what price will it appeal to consumers, which particular market should it be addressed, and what marketing strategies should be employed to actualise the desired sales transaction.The initial step in observing an effective product policy is to define the core product, such that in the case of a car manufacturer like BMW, the firm decides if it will be a luxury top-of-the-line vehicle or a moderately priced sedan. Then the firm assesses the benefits that customers will derive from the core product. Next, the product is built around the core, which involves the design, packaging and the features calculated to provide the desired benefits and quality. Good practice of product management dictates that a new product stays longer at the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Criticism on mass media found in Stones Natural Born Killers Research Paper
Criticism on mass media found in Stones Natural Born Killers - Research Paper Example The two attractive serial killers have already killed 52 people in the course of three weeks when the story of the movie starts. Both of them gain fame through Wayne Gale, a sensationalistic journalist, and host of the tabloid TV-show American Maniacs. After being bitten by a rattlesnake and searching for anti-venom in a convenience store, Mickey and Mallory get arrested by the police at and end up in prison. After some time Wayne Gale arranges an interview with Mickey, which should be broadcasted right after the Superbowl. The interview provokes a riot between the inmates and the prison guards, giving Mickey and Mallory the chance to flee. Wayne is coming with them and is filming the entire jailbreak. After killing Wayne and leaving his, still recording, camera behind as evidence, they begin a new life. In the end they are shown in a mobile home with two little kids and another one on its way. Even though the road, the route 666 to be precise, is displayed in the first part of the m ovie and in the very end, Natural Born Killers is not by definition a road movie. The Oxford dictionary (2010: 1536) defines a road movie as â€Å"a film of a genre in which the main character is travelling, either in flight or on a journey of self-discovery†. Even though self discovery surely is part of the reason why Mickey and Mallory travel around - which can be seen in the scene where Mallory throws away her old clothes, and with that leaves her childhood behind (Stone, Natural Born Killers, 1994: 0:19h) - that is not the main topic the movie is about.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Epidural
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Epidural Is epidural the best of all words – no pain but full consciousness? (Yerby, 2000). Discuss During pregnancy many women give some thought on what they will do to cope with labour pain. Some women aim to have the most natural type of birth, with the least possible pharmacological interventions. Others request a pain free labour, such as opting for an epidural anaesthesia as a type of pain relief. But do women actually know about the risks epidural anaesthesia can create for them and their baby? Or do they opt for it just because they heard other mothers say that it was the best? Epidural anaesthesia is a type of regional anaesthesia which is rapidly increasing in its popularity. Epidural works by blocking nerve conductions from the lower spinal segments, resulting in a decreased sensation in the lower half of the body, while at the same time the mother is still awake and conscious (Fraser Cooper, 2009). The drug is administered in the lower back, into the epidural space, specifically in the lumbar region between lumbar 1 and 4. This is achieved by cautiously inserting a Tuohy needle through the lumbar intervertebral space. Once the epidural space is reached, a catheter is threaded through the needle, which will facilitate the administration of the drug either by bolus top ups or continuous infusion. Once epidural is injected, it will start to exhibit its effect within approximately 20 minutes (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Indications for using epidural anaesthesia There is no absolute indication for opting for epidural anaesthesia, however clinical instances may include: Maternal request: mothers now acknowledge the fact that they can give birth with the least possible amount of pain. Today the majority of parents already have a plan in mind of what they wish and request for their birth experience. Having ongoing accessibility to internet encourages parents to search for types of pain relief, allowing them to make their own choices of what they think is best for them. Upon searching and from what they hear from other mothers, they are actually believing that epidural is one of the best choices of pain relief medication (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Pain relief: prolonged labour can be very tiring and stressful for the mother. Having an epidural can help in reducing the continuous stress of contractions and can possibly help the mother to relax, making her able to conserve energy for later use during the active phase of the second stage of labour (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Hypotension: epidural has the potential to lower down the blood pressure. This can be used as an advantage for women who suffer from high blood pressure. Thus this anaesthesia can possibly stabilise the blood pressure during labour, aiming to reduce complications (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Preterm labour: epidural aims to decrease the sensation of powerful contractions and so can be opted for to possibly lower the desire to push during a preterm labour. Use of such anaesthesia depends on the specific condition of the mother and the baby (Johnson Taylor, 2011). Side effects of epidural anaesthesia on the mother Opting for an epidural can deliver a good experience amongst many women. Mothers are able to rest and relax from the painful contractions while at the same time they are awake and conscious. However, opting for this anaesthesia is very likely to be the beginning of a cascade of interventions. This means that birth can be transformed into a very medicalised experience, ending up with the mother feeling that she has lost control over her own birth experience. In fact, the World Health Organization states that, â€Å"epidural analgesia is one of the most striking examples of the medicalisation of normal birth, transforming a physiological event into a medical procedure.†Generally, decision of opting for such a pain relief is made without the mothers awareness of the possible complications it can create. Hypotension: Studies show that epidural can be the cause of a sudden drop in blood pressure. Although the drug is injected around the spinal cord, there can be a degree of the anaesthesia that passes into the maternal blood stream, with the consequence of lowering the blood pressure (Healthline Editorial Team, 2012). This in turn would require, prompt venous access in order to administer fluids to quickly correct the blood pressure. Low blood pressure will result in less oxygen reaching the baby, which upon prolonged exposure can result in hypoxia of the baby. In much more severe cases, medications and oxygen may also be required in order to maintain a stable condition (Mehl-Madrona Mehl-Madrona). Delayed labour: Studies have shown that epidural anaesthesia, can be the cause of slowing down labour process. This is mainly due to the interaction of the drug with the birthing hormones. Epidural anaesthesia tends to decrease the production of oxytocin (Rahm, Hallgren, Hogberg, Hurtig Odlind, 2002). Oxytocin is one of the main hormones of labour, that is episodically released from the posterior Pituitary gland in order to stimulate the uterine myometruim to contract and retract, facilitating the foetal ejection reflex of birth (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Moreover, epidural also lowers the production of prostaglandin. This uterotonic hormone is essential for cervical ripening, effacement and dilation during labour (Kresser, 2011). As a result to this reduction of birthing hormones, the process of labour is hindered and thus upon medical decision, synthetic oxytocin known as Syntocinon is given in attempt to accelerate labour process, aiming to strengthen and increase the frequency of contractions (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Prior to the administration of Syntocinon, amniotomy is to be performed, unless membranes were previously ruptured. Having Syntocinon infusion, requires continuous electronic foetal monitoring in order to accurately observe the foetal heart and uterine activity. This in turn restricts mobility. The rate of Syntocinon infusion should be carefully observed in order to exclude uterine hyperstimulation. This is when having four or more contractions in a ten minute period, which in turn causes poor placental perfusion ending up with the foetus getting compromised, as blood flow between the mother and the foetus tends to decrease during contractions (Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust, 2012). In addition, if uterine hyperstimulation is ignored, it can ultimately cause uterine rupture or placental abruption. It is the role of the midwife to continuously monitor the state of the mother. Palpation of the fundus is one of the skills used to determine the strength, frequency and length of contractions, altogether with electronic foetal monitoring (Buckley, 2005). Moreover, Syntocinon can create a feeling of lack of breath, confusion, fast and irregular heartbeats, severe headaches and chest pains. In-coordination of Pelvic Floor Muscles: Epidural also negatively affects the strength and coordination of the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles guide the foetal head to enter the pelvis in the best position for the delivery of the baby. Lack of such coordination results in foetal malposition (Mander, 2011). Changing labour positions aids in the rotation of the foetal head, however if malposition persists, instrumental delivery is next in choice. The decision to proceed with an instrumental delivery would increase the likelihood of performing an episiotomy, in order to enlarge the pelvic outlet to provide the necessary room for the clinicians hands to deliver the baby (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Episiotomy on itself can be very detrimental to the mother. Not only can it be a bleeding point, but also a source of pain and discomfort especially during urination and rest. Moreover, lack of hygiene further increases the risk of acquiring an infection (Enkin ,Keirse, Neilson, et al., 2000). Having an episiotomy, may also instigate a feeling of uncertainty and fear of when to resume to sexual life, which ultimately may create unnecessary conflict between partners. It is the midwifes role to give the mother advice on perineal care in order to reduce such negative incidences. Urination Difficulties: Epidural anaesthesia may cause numbness of the bladder, this is exhibited as decreased sensation to urinate. Inability to pass urine during birth can possibly impede the rotation of the foetal head with the consequence of inadequate foetal descent (Baston Hall, 2009). During birth, the midwife is to encourage the mother to urinate frequently. If she is unable to do so, the midwife should look for other signs that may indicate a full bladder. Abdominal palpation is one of the skills that can be carried out to indicate such a measure. In urinary retention, the mother may require catheterisation. A urinary catheter is inserted through the mothers urinary orifice. This is temporarily situated in the bladder, and allows the mothers urine to drain freely (Johnson Taylor, 2011). The procedure of catheterisation itself may make the mother feel uncomfortable. Moreover, the catheter pipe provides the perfect pathway for the entry of bacteria possibly ending up with a urinary tract infection, especially if there is a poor level of hygiene (Fraser Cooper, 2009). Pyrexia: If epidural anaesthesia happens to be in place for more than 5 hours, there is an increased tendency to a rise in maternal temperature, resulting in the foetus getting compromised which is generally manifested as tachycardia. An increased maternal temperature altogether with a raised foetal heart rate could be an indication of a possible infection such as chorioamnionitis. This would require prompt action, so as to reduce the risk of adverse morbidity to the foetus. Usually an emergency caesarean section is the option (Mander, 2011). Having to follow such a procedure may create a lot of anxiety and fear amongst the parents, as suddenly they are receiving an unexpected news which leaves them confused on the health of their baby. Caesarean section is one major operation, which on its own carries a lot of risks. In fact there is a greater tendency of bleeding. Also, the mother has to cope with a lot of after pains following the procedure. Furthermore, following delivery the baby is most probably admitted to the neonatal intensive unit for investigations regarding the possibility of infection. This early separation surely creates a lot of fear and uncertainty in the newly parents. Limited Mobility: Since epidural numbs the body from the waist down, it creates a lot of restrictions in mobility. Nevertheless, it is very likely that continuous foetal monitoring is required to monitor the baby and uterine activity. This restricted mobility does not help in the physiology of normal labour (Baston Hall, 2009). Other side effects of epidural anaesthesia may include: pruritus, generalised itching of the skin, nausea, vomiting, shivering, headache, permanent nerve damage, heart and breathing difficulties. Side effects of epidural anaesthesia on the baby As discussed earlier, epidural can be the cause a variety of side effects on the labouring women, nonetheless, the baby is also very likely to be negatively effected. When epidural is injected, there may be a degree of the drug that enters the maternal blood stream. Blood eventually passes through the placenta, with the consequence of drug components ending up into the foetal circulation. Studies show that the degree of drugs in the foetus can reach levels that are equal to or even higher than that in the maternal blood stream. In addition, the elimination process of a newborn is still quite immature, with the consequence of taking longer for the drug to be eliminated from the body. Foetal distress: this is the commonest side effect of epidural. As discussed earlier, epidural tends to lower down the maternal blood pressure with the consequence of decreasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach the foetus. This phenomena is better known as foetal distress. This is commonly manifested as bradycardia as well as abnormal variations in the foetal heart rhythm (Lohse, 2015). This distress puts the baby and the mother at greater risk of intervention, which may include opting for instrumental or operative delivery. Such choice depends on the explicit condition of the mother and baby. Furthermore, the baby is also prone to experience difficulties after birth, which may include: Breastfeeding difficulties: Epidural drug components are likely to interfere with the release of oxytocin. This hormone plays an important role in the let down reflex of breastfeeding; when the baby sucks, oxytocin is released which positively feedbacks to release even more oxytocin which in turn altogether with the aid of other hormones, milk is released (Amis Green 2008). Epidural anaesthesia also has the tendency to effect the babys neuro-behavior. The newborn may show signs of drowsiness, difficulty in latching and sucking which will make breastfeeding far much more difficult to establish (Amis Green 2008). This will require more intensive care and time to acquire efficient breastfeeding, which may put the mother under great stress and anxiety. Poor condition: as stated earlier, epidural anaesthesia may cause maternal fever during labour. This in turn affects the babys condition in having poor muscle tone, may require resuscitation immediately after birth, and to a greater extent may experience seizures. This all sums up to a low apgar score at birth (Buckley, 2010). Having said that, the baby may be admitted to the neonatal intensive care for more intensive observation in order to stabilise and maintain his/her condition. This early separation from the parents surely interferes with bonding. It may even create a sense of anxiety and stress in the parents; being greatly concerned on the heath of their child. It is the role of the midwife to inform the parents on the daily condition of their baby and as much as possible find measures and ways to make them feel reassured and closer to their child (Buckley, 2010). Other side effects seen in infants are: rapid breathing and low blood sugar levels. As we midwives are knowledgable of all the risks this pharmacological pain relief brings with it, it is our role that during labour we suggest other methods of pain relief, possibly non pharmacological ones. If the mother happens to request for pharmacological ones, we should make her aware of all the benefits and risks, and in this way we enable the mothers make an informed choice. Reference List Amis, D., Green, J. (2008). Prepared childbirth the family way (Revised ed.). Family Way Publications Inc. Baston, H., Hall, J. (2009). Midwifery essentials: Labour: Volume 3 (1sted.). Churchill Livingstone. Buckley, S. J. (2005). Epidurals: Risks and concerns for mother and baby. Buckley, S. J. (2010). The hidden risk of epidurals. Mothering the Home for Natural Family Living. Enkin,M., Keirse, M., Neilson, J., Crowther, C., Duley, L.,Hodnett, E., Hofmeyr, J. (2000). A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fraser, D.M., Cooper, M.A. (2009). Myles textbook for midwives (15th ed.). London:Churcill Livingstone. Healthline Editorial Team. (15 March 2012). Risks of epidurals during delivery. Johnson, R., Taylor, W. (2011). Skills for midwifery practice (3rd ed.) London:Churcill Livingstone. Kresser, C. (2011). Natural childbirth IV: The hormones of birth. Lets Take Back Your Health  Starting Now. Lohse, M. (2015). Epidural side effects for a baby. Livingstrong.Com. Mander, R. (2011). Pain in childbearing and its control (2nd ed.) London:Wiley Blackwell. Mehl-Madrona, L. Mehl-Madrona, M. (2008). Medical risks of epidural anaesthesia during childbirth. Rahm, V., Hallgren, A., Hogberg, H., Hurtig, I., Odlind, V. (2002). Plasma oxytocin levels in women during labor with or without epidural analgesia: A prospective study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 81. Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. (2012). Use of oxytocin. Clinical Guideline for the use of Oxytocin (Syntocinon) in the First and Second Stage of Labour, Danica Chetcuti
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Indian Relations in Chesapeake and New England Essay
In the 1600’s English settlers came to America seeking refuge, and land. Upon coming to America the settlers crossed paths with the natives and eventually lead to a variety of relationships. There were various factors that shaped the relations in certain regions such as the Chesapeake Bay and New England. The events that lead up to tension between the natives were the settler’s lust for new land, diseases and the on-going disputes between the natives and the settlers. In the Chesapeake Bay the Powhatans were originally the dominant power among the Native Americans. The Powhatan tribes flourished under the Powhatan Confederacy until the arrival of the Europeans. Tension arouse between the natives and the settlers as the new colonist began establishing their town and had a scarce amount of food leading them to raid the Powhatan’s food source. The natives fought back and attempted to restore their supply of foods when Lord De La Warr declared war against the Powhatan’s therefore marking the beginning of the Powhatan war. The Powhatan villages were raided, burned and the cornfields were torched down cutting off their main food source. A peace treaty ended although it was shortly broken after the Powhatans attacked the Settlers due to them further expanding and into English territory. Like many wars the gain of territory is one of the fundamental reasons as to why many people start a war. The Powhatan were defeated due to lack of unity despite of their confederacy while they were attacked by diseases and the Europeans advance weapons which gave the Europeans the upper hand. Unlike the Powhatans and the English Settlers in the Chesapeake region, the relation between the Puritan Colonist and the natives started in mutual respect. The natives were first attacked by a new set of diseases causing nearly three-quarter of the population to die. Although the natives were introduced to diseases they befriended the Quakers. They formed an alliance and established the treaty with the Plymouth pilgrims in 1621 and aided the Quakers in celebrating the first thanksgiving. Despite the treaty and tension began when new English settlers began to migrate to America further settling inland to the natives’ region. Like the Powhatan Indians the Pequot Indians were attacked where their homes were burned and the fleeing natives were shot. The Puritans then pushed forward to converting the natives into Christianity further creating tension through resistance from the natives. The Indians final form of resistance was the alliance between tribes in the war against king Phillip. Roughly about 52 puritans towns were attacked at the end of the war where the English won. In conclusion the English Settlers came to America in search of land. The land-hungry settlers caused tension that arouse from the colonist moving into natives’ land as well as diseases and constant attacks to each other. The two regions share the commonality that both shared hostility between the natives and English settlers.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
What are the macroeconomic effects of the budget proposal Movements and shifts of the curve 7. Conclusion 9 8. References O 5. 2 . 6. 2 The first part of the assignment discusses the economic principles and criteria for a assessing a good budget proposal for any country. Section 3 discusses macroeconomic objectives of a budget, role of government and how it intervenes, tools available to government and the practical considerations (lags in the effects of fiscal policy) The next part of the assignment the team selected the 2009 South African budget proposal and listed all revenue and expenditure proposal 2.What is a budget proposal Bedpan describes a budget as a â€Å"blueprint†for the nation, expressing the objectives and aspirations for the present and future for by the party in power. Mohr describes the budget is an instrument of the fiscal policy and determines the level and composition of government spending(G) and taxation(T). The Keynesian school of thought proposes tha t fiscal policy to be the most instrumental policy to influence total spending or aggregate demand (AD).He lists the four functions of the budget as: Used to decide priorities Serves to evaluate specific public programmed, reviewing the state's activities annually used to increase economic growth and impact on development A system of accountability and controls over government officials and agencies, setting limits on their activities and safeguarding against corruption Obedient four groups of people involved in the national budget of South Africa and their roles in brief with regard to the budget are listed in the table below: The cabinet Controls the most critical decisions on the allocation of public funds Civil servants Play supporting roles by providing information to politicians responsible for decision making Members of parliamentActs as the defender of the public interest through its constitutional right to question reasons and feasibility Of each aspect Of the budget The pu blic Through organizations like Noose, interest groups, community based organizations and other bodies provide the voice of all members not directly involved in the budget process 3. Assessing government budget proposal 3. 1 Economic principles and criteria of good budgets The first step in determining economic principle and criteria for good budgets involves identifying what the budget proposal should achieve in terms of macroeconomic objectives. Mohr et al lists the following as the main macroeconomic objectives that can be used to judge a good performance of the economy: Economic growth Full employment Price stability Balance of payments (or external stability) Equitable distribution of income Efficiency T.Manuel in delivering his 2009 South African Budget speech , emphasized the following five principles: Protecting the poor Sustaining employment growth and expanding training opportunities Building economic capacity and promoting investment Addressing the barriers to competitive ness that limit an equitable sharing of opportunities And maintaining a sustainable debt level that would not constrain our development tomorrow Mohr recognizes that the free market system allocates resources in the best possible way. However he also acknowledges that at times market failure occurs where the market system does not achieve efficient allocation Of resources.The market systems failures occurs in the following cases: Monopoly and imperfect competition Public goods Externalities Asymmetric information Common property resources Moor's summary of government's role is summarized on the table below: Role Aim Allocation function Correcting market failure and achieving a more efficient allocation of resources Distributive function Achieving more acceptable distribution of income Stabilization Promoting macroeconomic stability 3. 2. 1 How does government intervene The table below shows the five intervention options and examples of each that the government can use to achieve the above roles: Intervention Examples Public provision of goods and services through ownership or financing National Defense, hospitals, Eskimo, prisons Becoming a market participant Through price stability, income redistribution, Government spendingTransfer payments to change income distribution Taxation Personal Income Tax Regulation Labor laws, competition policy, anti-tobacco laws 3. Practical considerations: Lags in the effects of fiscal policy Recognition lags Implementation lags Response lags (603,608) Therefore a good budget takes into cognoscente the macroeconomic objectives, address issues relating to market failures and takes steps address the needs of society and the scarce available resources. A good budget should also take into considerations the effects of lags in typefaces policy. 4. 2009 South African Budget proposal The group selected the 2009 South African Budget proposal. The budget speech was delivered by the Finance minister Mr.. Tremor Manuel on the 1 lath Febru ary 2009.The table below is a list the budget revenue and expenditure proposals: Budget revenue proposals Budget expenditure proposals Taxes on income and profits Source: National Treasury 2009 Budget Review Statistical Table 2 and Table 3 5. Theory on economic principle of equity As stated in the preceding section, tax is one Of the instrumental tool available to government to achieve its roles of allocation and distributive unction's mainly through taxation. The criteria for a good tax proposal is that it must meet the following conditions: Neutrality Equity Administrative simplicity We now focus our attention and evaluate tax relief with reference to the criteria of equity.Case and Fair refers to equity as fairness. Under this principle tax burden is distributed fairly. Two theories of equity or fairness exists. These are : 15, 16, 17 Benefits-received principles Ability-to pay principle 381 Under the benefits-received principle, taxpayers should contribute to overborne in propor tion to the benefits they receive from public expenditures. This theory of fairness does not receive popular support as it is not possible to determine the value that taxpayers receive from public expenditures. The other theory of taxation, ability-to pay principle states that taxpayers should bear tax burdens in line with their ability to pay taxes. 5. 1.Discuss vertical and horizontal equity. 17 In terms of tax revenue collected by government, horizontal equity relates to the concept of tax neutrality. It defines that the tax system should not criminate between similar things or people, or unduly distort behavior . Len other words, the people with a similar ability to pay taxes should pay the same or similar amounts. Vertical equity usually refers to the idea that people with a greater ability to pay taxes should pay more. However, to those that believe in a flat tax, the idea of vertical equity could mean that the rich should not be punished for their success by paying higher tax es than others.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Financial Statement Analysis of Amazon.Com Essay - 1719 Words
Financial Statement Analysis of, Inc. Introduction The purpose of this essay is to perform financial statement analysis on, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN ). We start with an introduction of Amazon and its industry. We then evaluate the company’s financial position, liquidity, operating capability and financial flexibility using different ratios. To evaluate the financial performance of, Inc we disclose recurring NICO and do full ROE disaggregation.’s stock price increased from $44.29 per share at the end of fiscal year 2004 to $134.52 per share at the end of fiscal year 2009. Earnings per share increased from $0.63 to $2.06. The stock closed at $118.87 on 02/01/2010. Recommendation is†¦show more content†¦The three liquidity ratios show Amazon has very good liquidity, which means it could easily satisfy current liabilities with current assets. Comparing to Amazon, Ebay is even more liquid as it could satisfy its short term liabilities purely by cash and cash equivalents. | | | | | eBay | | | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2009 | 2008 | Current Ratio (to one) | 1.33 | 1.30 | 1.39 | 1.33 | 1.52 | 1.57 | 2.32 | 1.70 | Quick Ratio (to one) | 1.04 | 1.00 | 1.07 | 0.99 | 1.22 | 1.27 | 2.32 | 1.70 | Cash Ratio (Acid Ratio) (to one) | 0.86 | 0.79 | 0.84 | 0.80 | 1.04 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 0.86 | | | Table 2 | | | | | | Financial Flexibility Financial flexibility (Solvency and leverage) is a company’s ability to adapt to unforeseen events and opportunities. Leverage means using debt (or other third party funds) to increase earnings for the owners. Table 3 presents some financial flexibility and leverage ratios of from 2005 to 2009 and for Ebay from 2008 to 2009. is a fast growing company and in the fiscal year ended 2004, they had a negative total equity, which could skew the ratios. Therefore, we did not present the ratios in 2004. From table 3 we can see that at the end of fiscal year 2009, both and eBay have high financial flexibility due to low or even zero long-term debt. Their usages of leverages are both low. Although a company should try to useShow MoreRelatedFinancial Statement Analysis Of, Inc.1377 Words  | 6 PagesFinancial Statement Analysis AMAZON.COM, INC. History Incorporated in 1994 and launched in 1995 as an online bookstore, was founded by Jeff Bezos with a vision of creating â€Å"the everything store†(Stone, 2013) and the largest of its kind; hence, it was named after the largest river in the world (D’Onfro, 2014). In 1997, Amazon announced IPO and trading began on NASDAQ under â€Å"AMZN†. That same year, Amazon sold to its one-millionth customer copies of a Windows NT manual and The RoyalsRead VS Overstock.com1221 Words  | 5 and are the two companies that will be researched in detail. 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